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Rivet 1.6.0 release

Rivet 1.6.0 is now available. This release introduces the step indicator and menu components along with a Rivet icons add-on.

Scott Anthony Murray

May 28, 2019

Rivet 1.6.0 is now available! This release introduces the step indicator and menu components along with a Rivet icons add-on.

Step indicator component #

This release introduces the new step indicator component, which allows you to show a user the current step in a multi-step process such an application or purchasing form.

The step indicator can also be configured to indicate the status of each step (such as “completed” or “has errors”) and provide a user with a link back to previous steps.

Huge thanks to Clinton McKay, Lane Bowman, Matt Berry, and Steve Templeton, who worked as a team to develop this component during the Rivet Community Workshop in April. 🙌

In addition to the step indicator, this release introduces the new menu component.

In previous versions of Rivet, your options for navigation beyond the page header were limited, forcing many developers to write custom styles for sidebar and section navigation.

The menu gives you a simple, flexible way to add sidebar or section navigation to your application without the need for custom markup or CSS.

Icons add-on #

Icons have been available for use in Rivet for a while, but they weren’t very easy for developers to use.

This release includes an icons add-on that simplifies the process of using SVG icons in your application. The Rivet icon set has also been bundled into an npm package for those of you using nodejs-based build tools like webpack.

Complete list of updates #

For a complete breakdown of the 1.6.0 updates, see the Rivet changelog.

Getting help #

If you have questions about the step indicator, menu, or icons add-on, head over to the Rivet Slack channels for Enterprise Systems or the Web Community of Practice.

You can also send a message to the Rivet mailing list.