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Rivet 1.7.1 release

Rivet 1.7.1 is now available. This release refines several styles related to badges as well as some minor bug fixes.

Rachel O'Connor

Sep 11, 2019

Rivet 1.7.1 is now available! This release refines several styles related to badges as well as some minor bug fixes.

Style refinements #

This release saw updates to several components’ styling. The majority of these are subtle, such as the standardization of border-widths for loading indicators, or the darkening of disabled checked radio inputs.

Complete list of updates #

For a complete breakdown of the 1.7.1 updates, see the Rivet changelog.

Getting help #

If you have questions about Rivet, head over to the Rivet Slack channels for Enterprise Systems or the Web Community of Practice.

You can also send a message to the Rivet mailing list.