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Rivet in 2019

A a quick year-end update on Rivet.

Levi McGranahan

Dec 12, 2018

Here’s a quick year-end update on Rivet, including details about our 2019 Roadmap, the new Rivet team, and moving Rivet to

2019 Roadmap #

We have finalized and posted the Rivet 2019 Roadmap. Check it out to see what we have planned for the upcoming year.

New Rivet team #

The biggest news we have to share is that UX Office has secured funding to create a dedicated Rivet team, which includes hiring a new full-time front-end developer that will be 100% dedicated to building and improving Rivet, as well as the 50% dedication of two current UXO staff members. You can read more about the team on the about page. This is a significant increase in staffing and will allow us to greatly increase the pace of new features, improvements, and releases.

Open sourcing Rivet #

We’ve officially worked through the process and approvals for open sourcing Rivet. In early 2019, we’ll be moving the core Rivet codebase out of IU’s Enterprise GitHub and into We’ll send out more specific information about the move in January.

Rivet 1.2.0 and beyond #

We are finalizing the next Rivet release (1.2.0) now, so look for it in early January after the holidays. Once the new team is in place next year, we plan to begin regular monthly releases. Our goal is to have the new front-end developer position filled by the end of January 2019 and then begin the monthly release schedule starting in the last week of February.

In addition to fixes and improvements, here’s a quick summary of the major updates in the next release:

1.2.0 updates

Other highlights #

Here are a few links to show what we’ve been working on the last few months. These should also give you an idea about what’s on the horizon for future Rivet releases.