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Rivet 1.8.1 release

Rivet 1.8.1 is now available. This release fixes bugs related to the header, modal, table, and loading indicator components.

Scott Anthony Murray

Apr 26, 2021

Rivet version 1.8.1 is now available! This release fixes bugs related to the header, modal, table, and loading indicator components.

Header accessibility #

This releases fixes an accessibility-related issue resulting from the Rivet header’s use of the role="menu" attribute. The header documentation has been updated with the correct markup.

This releases fixes an issue that caused Rivet to throw an error if a modal was opened or closed programmatically after it had been removed from the DOM.

Table borders #

This release fixes an issue where columns in tables styled with the .rvt-table-cells class would be missing their top border if no thead element was used.

Loading indicator vertical centering #

This release corrects the vertical centering of the XXS loading indicator within a small button.

The loading indicator documentation has been updated to make explicit that only the XXS loading indicator can be used in small buttons.

Complete list of updates #

For a complete list of updates made in version 1.8.1, see the Rivet changelog.

Getting help #

If you need help using Rivet, post your question to GitHub Discussions or head over to our Enterprise Systems or Web Community of Practice Slack channels.

You can also send a message to the Rivet mailing list.