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Input group

Group related form inputs

Overview #

Use the input group component to group form fields with related buttons or text labels. Buttons and text labels can be prepended or appended to the form field.

Examples #

<label for="search" class="rvt-label rvt-sr-only">Search</label>
<div class="rvt-input-group">
<input class="rvt-text-input rvt-input-group__input" type="text" id="search">
<div class="rvt-input-group__append">
<button type="button" class="rvt-button">
<span>Search docs</span>
<label for="segmented-prepend" class="rvt-label rvt-sr-only">Add new</label>
<div class="rvt-input-group">
<div class="rvt-input-group__prepend">
<div class="rvt-dropdown" data-rvt-dropdown="example-dropdown">
<button type="button" class="rvt-button" data-rvt-dropdown-toggle>
<span class="rvt-dropdown__toggle-text">Search everything</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<div class="rvt-dropdown__menu" role="menu" data-rvt-dropdown-menu hidden>
<button type="button" aria-checked="true" role="menuitemradio">
<span>Search everything</span>
<button type="button" role="menuitemradio">
<span>Search people</span>
<button type="button" role="menuitemradio">
<span>Search services</span>
<input class="rvt-text-input rvt-input-group__input" type="text" id="segmented-prepend">
<label for="text-append-example">Email address</label>
<div class="rvt-input-group">
<input class="rvt-text-input rvt-input-group__input" type="text" id="text-append-example" aria-describedby="email-text">
<div class="rvt-input-group__append">
<div class="rvt-input-group__text" id="email-text"></div>
<label for="text-prepend-example" class="rvt-sr-only">Website</label>
<div class="rvt-input-group">
<div class="rvt-input-group__prepend">
<div class="rvt-input-group__text" id="website-text">https://</div>
<input class="rvt-text-input rvt-input-group__input" type="text" id="text-prepend-example" aria-describedby="website-text">

Usage #

  • Form field labels must be outside the input group. A form field’s associated label element must be outside the element with the .rvt-input-group class. See the code examples on this page for guidance.


  • Use to group an input with its associated action, like search
  • Use to help a user better understand what type of data they should enter into a field, such as a URL


  • Put more than a few words in a grouped text label
  • Use grouped text labels as replacements for native label elements

Accessibility #

  • Always use native form field labels in addition to grouped text labels. If you want to hide a native label element in an accessible way, use the .rvt-sr-only utility class. See the code examples on this page for guidance.