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Create a vertical list of navigation links for use in a sidebar

Overview #

Use the sidenav component to add a vertical list of navigation links to a sidebar.

Sidenavs can contain dropdowns that reveal nested links.

Examples #

<nav class="rvt-sidenav" aria-labelledby="sidenav-label" data-rvt-sidenav>
<span class="rvt-sidenav__label" id="sidenav-label">Section pages</span>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list">
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav one</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link" aria-current="page">Section nav two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav three</a>
<nav class="rvt-sidenav" aria-labelledby="sidenav-label" data-rvt-sidenav>
<span class="rvt-sidenav__label" id="sidenav-label">Section pages</span>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list">
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav one</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link" aria-current="page">Section nav two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<div class="rvt-sidenav__item-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav three</a>
<button class="rvt-sidenav__toggle" data-rvt-sidenav-toggle>
<span class="rvt-sr-only">Show more section nav three links</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list" data-rvt-sidenav-list>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<nav class="rvt-sidenav" aria-labelledby="sidenav-label" data-rvt-sidenav>
<span class="rvt-sidenav__label" id="sidenav-label">Section pages</span>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list">
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav one</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link" aria-current="page">Section nav two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<div class="rvt-sidenav__item-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav three</a>
<button class="rvt-sidenav__toggle" data-rvt-sidenav-toggle>
<span class="rvt-sr-only">Show more section nav three links</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list" data-rvt-sidenav-list>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<div class="rvt-sidenav__item-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<button class="rvt-sidenav__toggle" data-rvt-sidenav-toggle>
<span class="rvt-sr-only">Show more level two links</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list" data-rvt-sidenav-list>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level three</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level three</a>
<nav class="rvt-sidenav" aria-labelledby="sidenav-label" data-rvt-sidenav data-rvt-sidenav-open-all>
<span class="rvt-sidenav__label" id="sidenav-label">Section pages</span>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list">
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav one</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link" aria-current="page">Section nav two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<div class="rvt-sidenav__item-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Section nav three</a>
<button class="rvt-sidenav__toggle" data-rvt-sidenav-toggle>
<span class="rvt-sr-only">Show more section nav three links</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list" data-rvt-sidenav-list>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<div class="rvt-sidenav__item-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level two</a>
<button class="rvt-sidenav__toggle" data-rvt-sidenav-toggle>
<span class="rvt-sr-only">Show more level two links</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m15.146 6.263-1.292-1.526L8 9.69 2.146 4.737.854 6.263 8 12.31l7.146-6.047Z"/></svg>
<ul class="rvt-sidenav__list" data-rvt-sidenav-list>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level three</a>
<li class="rvt-sidenav__item">
<a href="#" class="rvt-sidenav__link">Level three</a>

Attributes #

Use the following attributes to configure a sidenav:

Attribute Description
data-rvt-sidenav-open-all Opens all dropdowns within the sidenav on page load

Usage #

  • Specifying toggle and list IDs. By default, Rivet auto-generates toggle and list IDs. If you’d like a toggle or list to have a specific ID, you can explicitly set the data-rvt-sidenav-toggle and data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute values in your markup. The data-rvt-sidenav-toggle attribute value for a given toggle must match the data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute value of its associated list.


  • Use to show navigation links in a sidebar
  • Keep navigation link text clear and concise
  • Match the structure of the sidenav to the structure of your site's sections and pages


  • Nest dropdowns more than four levels deep
  • Use the sidenav outside of a sidebar

Accessibility #

  • Use a meaningful label. Change the default text “Section pages” to a label that clearly describes the links in the sidenav.
  • Use brief but clear screen reader-only button labels. Aim for labels like “Show more (section name) links,” rather than “Show or hide links under the (section name) section.” Longer labels can be redundant and time-consuming for people using assistive technology.

ARIA labels #

Attribute Description
aria-expanded Added to any button elements within the sidenav by the component’s JavaScript. Set to true if the button’s associated dropdown menu is open; false otherwise.

JavaScript #

Method Description
open(toggleId) Opens the dropdown list of links where the value of the data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute matches toggleId
close(toggleId) Closes the dropdown list of links where the value of the data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute matches toggleId
Event Description Detail object properties
rvtSidenavListOpened Emitted when a dropdown within a sidenav is opened
  • id: Value of the opened dropdown's data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute
  • rvtSidenavListClosed Emitted when a dropdown within a sidenav is closed
  • id: Value of the closed dropdown's data-rvt-sidenav-list attribute
  • Learn more about using Rivet JavaScript