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Set text size, weight, line height, and alignment

Overview #

Use the typography utilities to set the appearance and alignment of text.

Examples #

<p class="rvt-font-serif">This is some serif text.</p>
<p class="rvt-font-sans">This is some sans serif text. Text in Rivet is sans serif by default.</p>
<p class="rvt-font-mono">This is some monospace text.</p>

Usage #

Type scale classes should only be applied to typographic elements such as headings, paragraphs, and list items containing text. Rivet uses rem to express font sizes, so adding type scale classes to block-level container elements may cause unexpected results.

Try to keep the number of different font sizes you use in your application to a minimum. The size of fonts depends on the design of you application, but picking a handful of font sizes and sticking to them makes it easier to maintain consistency throughout the interface.

Font size #

Rivet uses a Major Second type scale that has been rounded to the nearest whole pixel value. Using sizes from this scale will help create a hierarchy and consistency throughout your application.

Rivet type scale
CSS class rem px Actual size
.rvt-ts-12, .rvt-ts-xxs 0.75rem 12px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-14, .rvt-ts-xs 0.875rem 14px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-16, .rvt-ts-base 1rem 16px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-18 1.125rem 18px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-20, .rvt-ts-sm 1.25rem 20px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-23 1.4375rem 23px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-26, .rvt-ts-md 1.625rem 26px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-29 1.8125rem 29px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-32, .rvt-ts-lg 2rem 32px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-36 2.25rem 36px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-41, .rvt-ts-xl 2.5625rem 41px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-46 2.875rem 46px Lorem ipsum
.rvt-ts-52, .rvt-ts-xxl 3.25rem 52px Lorem ipsum

Responsive type scale #

Each type scale helper class comes with a set of modifiers that allow you to adjust font-size at different screen sizes. Here’s an example.

<h1 class="rvt-ts-20 rvt-ts-32-md-up">Profile page</h1>
<p class="rvt-ts-14">The profile page is where you can select your personal settings.</p>

Given the markup above, the h1 would have a font size of 1.25rem/20px on all screens small and larger, and 2.25rem/36px on medium screens(740px wide) and larger.

The responsive type scale CSS classes use the following conventions:

  • *-sm-up - screens 480–740px and wider
  • *-md-up - screens 740–1080px and wider
  • *-lg-up - screens 1080–1260px and wider
  • *-xl-up - screens 1260–1400px and wider
  • *-xxl-up - screens 1400px and wider

Font weight #

You can use the Rivet text utilities to change the font-weight property of text. The available utility classes are:

CSS class Font weight Notes
.rvt-text-regular 400
.rvt-text-medium 500 Benton Sans only
.rvt-text-bold 700

Font family #

You can use the Rivet text utilities to change the font-family property of text. The available utility classes are:

CSS class Font family
.rvt-font-sans Benton Sans
.rvt-font-serif Georgia Pro
.rvt-font-mono Monospace

Line height #

In Rivet the line-height of the <body> element is set to 1.5 globally for better legibility. This can sometimes make larger text (like headings or titles) appear as if the line-height is too tall. For that reason, we created a text utility called .rvt-lh-title that you can use to give larger text a smaller line-height.

Text alignment #

Use the text alignment utilities to change the text-align property of any text. The available text alignment utilities are:

  • .rvt-text-left
  • .rvt-text-center
  • .rvt-text-right

Uppercase #

The .rvt-text-uppercase utility class sets the text-transform CSS property to uppercase and adds a small amount of letter-spacing to improve readability.

No break #

If you need to stop text from wrapping, for example next to radio buttons or checkboxes, you can use the .rvt-text-nobr utility.

Automatic styling of running text #

Add the .rvt-prose class to an element to apply styles to all headers and paragraphs within that element.

This can be helpful for pages that have long sections of running text where it would be cumbersome to apply typography classes to each heading and paragraph individually.